Wednesday, August 20, 2008

omg i love...leroi moore.

because watching him perform live was an indescribable experience.

dave matthews shows will never be the same. RIP.

omg i love...michael phelps.

because he loves his mom.

omg i love...todd linden.

because this is inspired.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

omg i love...max dionne (again), brett weiner, and jesse porter.

because they have combined forces to create a parody with political, commercial, and artistic implications that hits every note perfectly.

Monday, August 11, 2008

omg i love...olympic swimmers.

because obviously the relay was incredible and triumphant and brought tears to my eyes, but mostly because HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ALL OF THEM TO HAVE SUCH RIDICULOUS BODIES? like, they're basically chiseled from fine marble and then brought to life with chlorine.

omg i love...greg gillis.

because i can think of no better way to start a monday than with a girltalk jam.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

omg i love...bernie mac.

because he was one hilarious bro, and he will be seriously missed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

omg i love...the waiter from last night.

because he was just fucking hot.


go to the stork, stalk matthew. thank me later.